Annual Fund

We know your mailbox is fills up frequently with fundraising letters from all the local non-profits. We are fortunate to have so many great organizations in our community - promoting education, the arts and recreation. But this also means your charitable dollars are stretched thin. So before you decide where to give your money, ask yourself this - what’s more important than saving lives?
We cover most of our expenses from medical billing and our Subscription Program. But the cost of ambulances, medical supplies and training keeps rising while insurance payments keep shrinking. We rely on our annual fund to make up the difference.
We depend on you as much as you depend on us, so please make your tax-deductible donation today. You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that your generosity helps save lives in the Northshire.
Please remember us when you are considering bequests when writing or updating your will. This recent bequest was extraordinarily generous and will help our organization in a number of ways. Click on the button below to see the details:
Those who are able to make leadership gifts to the Northshire Rescue Squad Annual Fund will receiver special recognition through membership in one of the following levels: